Sunday, April 3, 2011

I think im depressed and addicted to pills?

i just turned 14 in december. i am very popular in school and have a lot of good friends i talk to in school. i only hangout with like 3 of my friends from school and we stay at my one friend's house on the weekend because her dad goes to michigan and we drink and do other drugs there, i used to be involved in a lot of sports but i quit them all. i hate being near my family. when i come home from school i either sleep all day or go out with my friends. i feel useless and worthless. ive had thoughts on suicide many times. the only time im happy is when i have pills or something else to make me happy. i snort pills all the time and drink on the weekends. i do duster and smoke weed a lot too. if you don't know what duster is it is a can of air that you can spray and you huff it and it makes you high. if i don't have any pills i feel like dying. its like once my drugs are done kicking in i feel like dying. could the drugs be making me feel like shiiiiiiit? i hate my life. the only time im happy is when im high or when im with the boy i lost my virginity to. yeah, i lost my virginity when i was 13. me and my friends are really messed up. none of my friends are virgins, were all druggies too. i just want to die. ive told my parents that i think im depressed and they call me stupid and say im a baby. help? dont leave comments saying i need new friends because im not getting new friends.

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